Anti-Racism commitment

Chi Junky yoga studio anti-racism commitment and actions

Putting Our Words into Action.

We have made it our priority to dive deep into understanding what it really means to be anti-racist. We are continuing to take time to reflect, learn, engage in conversations and get uncomfortable. We are immersing ourselves in understanding systemic racism and specifically how we in the yoga industry must do better, immediately. Chi Junky is committed to taking action and making real change in our community and the yoga industry. 

While we are in this process of learning, understanding and creating positive change I believe we can all do better. As humans we all make mistakes, so let us show compassion for those trying to learn and not shame each other when a mistake is made. Let us continue to call it out when things can be done better but let’s do this as a collective with a shared mission to support the great need for change in the world. Let us have meaningful conversations on and offline, rather than exchanging words that cause more pain. 

Myself and the Chi Junky studio are committed to making permanent changes in the hope that one day we can all exist in a world where all human beings experience equality and inclusivity. 

This is by no means an exhaustive list, because this is by no means a short-term plan, but this is where we are starting. These action items will be developed and launched in a responsible way to ensure permanent and sustainable changes.

- Rachelle Wintzen, Founder 

Diversifying our team. Intentionally hiring and providing opportunities to BIPOC instructors and paid positions on our FOH + BOH staff. Purposefully expanding our network and reaching out to those within BIPOC communities. 

Anti-racism, Diversity & Inclusion training. Investing in training and resources for all of our team members. 

Financial Accessibility. Developing more opportunities for those facing financial barriers to attend classes. This includes increasing our efforts to bring yoga to underprivileged communities and schools. 

Donations. Offering more community and PWYC classes where 100% of proceeds are donated to Black owned small businesses in wellness and organizations that support Black communities in Canada. 

Collaboration. Partnering with BIPOC owned businesses and events and offering our studio space in support for Black wellness charity events. 

Cultural Appropriation. Ensuring that we are respectful and appreciative of the cultures that are reflected in our yoga offerings, class styles and playlists. Our classes will play only edited and non-derogatory lyric song choices.

Assessment. Having an external expert in anti-racism practices consult with us on our plans and processes for inclusivity and diversity. 

Community.  Ensuring that our marketing and programming is inclusive and accurately represents the city we live and practice in. Making sure that we are continuously checking in with our community and doing our job to ensure that absolutely every body feels supported and welcome in the Chi Junky community. 

We hope you are with us. 

Rachelle and the Chi Crew