2 years and counting...

“Remember that I'm Human. Before you judge me or decide how you'll deal with me, walk awhile in my shoes. If you do, I think you'll find with more understanding we can meet in the middle and walk the rest of the way together.” - Eric Harvey

Let’s show more empathy and compassion while all of us are going through individual traumas and triggers daily.

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After the Wake Up Call I Got The Hell Off The Hamster Wheel.

“All great changes are preceded by chaos” - Deepak Chopra

….Then there was managing my emotions through it all, which personally I think was the hardest part. Going through my health crisis while holding onto a small business through the pandemic only seemed to highlight being single and living alone, something that I never really felt before. Going through biopsies, painful procedures, doctor’s appointments, waiting for scary test results (like cervical cancer) and taking care of yourself on your own was by far the hardest part. It magnified a loneliness and emptiness I never felt before. I felt like I was living on an island where no one else could understand what I was going through. I also felt a lot of shame and often downplayed what was happening because explaining my whole list was, to be honest, long and embarrassing. I didn’t know a single person who mirrored my experience and it was very lonely.

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rachelle wintzen Comment
“My car keys are at the bottom of the lake”…based on a true story that is my somewhat comical and slightly dramatic life. 

“It's not the shit we face that defines us, it's how we deal with it.”

― Ahmed Mostafa

After 5 hours of watching the well company drill the ground for water with no luck they finished for the day so I decided to go for a late afternoon paddle to decompress, just a quick easy paddle and be home in time to make dinner and enjoy a relaxing Friday night.

As I removed my pouch the keys slipped out and in a split second sank faster than I could catch them. My house keys, phone, wallet were all in the locked car and I was in a soaking wet bathing suit and it was going to be dark soon…

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rachelle wintzen Comments
Friday 8pm, The Doctor Calls…

“Illness is sometimes the answer to a prayer” – Caroline Myss

I am 37 years old…how could this possibly be happening to me? I spent the last 10 years eating organic vegetables and drinking green juice. I thought I was healthy. What I realized is I was so focused on taking care of my business, I stopped taking care of myself and I let the stress of it all override any healthy habits I had. When you are chronically stressed and not sleeping for years on end your green juice and organic vegetables don’t stand a chance to help you…

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Welcome to The Chi Life

Dedicated to the women who do it all while being their own cheerleader through the highs and lows.

These are the unconventional writings of me, Rachelle Wintzen. I have worn a hypothetical mask most of my life, where I have mastered hiding how I really feel. I had a go getter attitude that no matter what I am dealing with behind the scenes ‘the show must go on’. But that is enough of that! I have taken the mask off and exposing my unfiltered self, these are my very personal stories of resilience, managing dis-ease, chronic stress, addiction, being a high achieving woman, small business owner, living in a tiny off grid cabin and a single female in my late 30s.

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Your Summer Activities Benefit from Yin in Your Weekly Routine

Summer in the city offers lots of exciting ways to move outside.  We opt for hikes instead of hatha yoga, swims in the lake instead of sweat in the studio, relaxing on the beach instead of relaxing in our yoga studios. The thing is, a regular yin yoga practice can help us ensure that we continue to enjoy our time outside without limiting it or taking us away from it.

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Guest User
For the love of all Reiki

My first experience with Reiki was when I was 8. It was summer in Saskatchewan & I was eating lunch on a patio with my parents when I was stung by a bee. Our waitress saw & came over asking if she could gently place her hands over where I had been stung to give me Reiki. Within seconds I calmed down.

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A Brief Orientation To The Chakras

We experience subtle energies in a whole host of different ways - as thoughts, as feelings, as palpable tension in the room, as physical tension in our bodies. What if there were tools we could use to navigate these subtle experiences in our practice? What if there was a place we could start from that could help us connect the dots between physical tension in our bodies and emotional experience?

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Meet Yin Yoga

If you search on social media for #yoga you’ll feast your eyes on complex arm balancing postures, gymnastic style handstands, twisting poses that almost appear to be optical illusions all set within the most aesthetically pleasing sceneries possible. 

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rachelle wintzen